Tag: News

2017 Beef n’ Beer Fundraiser

We are extremely excited to be hosting the annual Beef n’ Beer Fundraiser on Friday, December 8th @ Jeffersonville Golf Course. We will have food by Tosco Pizza and Italian Restaurant and entertainment by Showtime DJ’s! We will also have items to auction off. So tell your friends and family to save the date for Jeffersonville Soccer Club Beef n’ Beer Fundraiser! See more details and the flyer below.

To purchase Tickets
Please contact David Snyder at 215-651-0168/ dsnyder@coca-cola.com
Dennis McCann 201-978-0745/ dmccan01@hotmail.com



         Friday, December 8th
          Jeffersonville Golf Course
        $35 per person -or- $60 for 2

Winter Training

Jeffersonville Soccer Club is happy to present winter soccer training! Training is for all ages and abilities, with no need to be a part of the club. It is a great way to stay sharp in the off season, try out travel soccer and see what Jville SC is all about. We also invite any player interested in playing for Jeffersonville Soccer Club to come out and see what makes us a great club!

We focus on using futsal as a foundation for players to gain better foot control to build individual skills that contribute to the team.

What is futsal exactly? Check out the differences and more by going here.
For more information, please contact: info@jvillesc.com.